Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Beirut by the sea

Not to worry all be be complete for the massive influx of tourists come the 2010 world cup. Right now though Addington beach looks like a set for a war movie. The old life guard building is being demolished and the beach has disappeared under a mountain of sand as foundations consisting of 8 meters of stacked sandbags are being laid for the new promenade. In the mean time surfing icon Shaun Thompson was summoned to the city managers office for a chat on the status of Durban's beaches. What with ever diminishing waves some claim because of sand being washed away because of the open pier designs and one of the premier surfing competitions the Mr Price Pro migrating up the coast to Ballito for the next three years I'm sure there was plenty to share a cup of tea over. Would love to be a fly on the wall at that meeting!