Friday, November 30, 2007

Mercs and Trolleys

I had just collected a repaired company vehicle from probably one of Durban’s most elite car dealers. Mercedes Benz, Jeep, Chrysler etc. Very chic showrooms with fancy coffee shops for their clients. Outside in the parking area I noticed this local supermarket trolley being used by the gardening service as a makeshift wheelbarrow. Thought it rather ironic that with the millions of dollars worth of high tech cars around me that a humble plastic supermarket trolley complete with logo had been hijacked for a higher purpose.


CrazyCow said...

Well spotted. It's great when people notice the funny things in life.

Unknown said...

Hey, Nice stuff, newsy and probably nicer than the SABC fare. Liked the trolley piece...made me think about how these plastic creations are used all over the place. budge