Durban’s Bay has seen many incarnations. Hundreds of years ago it teamed with hippo and crocs. Then came the city of Durban and the bay became the harbour after much dredging and modifying. River courses were altered and the cities storm water drains now empty their load of litter into one of Africa’s busiest harbours. In all this time fishermen have been allowed to ply their trade here in ever decreasing and restricted zones, some for recreation and for others their livelihood. Not even shark attacks have kept them from fishing this rich harvest of food. Nine eleven was the turning point for them. New security legislation deemed these people a possible threat. First the boats were banned and then anyone fishing from the shore. On Sunday 27 April a gathering of fishermen defied the authorities and threw out their lines from the shore. A group of bored looking water police ignored them and cruised away in their naval patrol boat.
29/04/08 Latest...Seems like the boats can still fish for now and no action will be taken against the shore fishermen for a while)