Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Drowning in Rubbish

I was sent on a story looking for dead fish from a recent sewerage spill in the Umgeni River near the Athlone Bridge. No dead fish (probably eaten by birds) but mountains of rubbish and litter washed down by the river waiting to be deposited on Durbans "Golden Mile" As thousands of commuters rushed over the bridge encapsulated in their cars I wondered how many were aware of their modern lifestyles and how this was impacting on the environment. To get to the river one has to clambour down a steep bank and walk through sticky mud so I guess only desperate fishermen, hobos and the like venture into this world of plastic debris. Oddly enough there is still a vibrant bird life on the Umgeni mud flats who happily forage amongst the garbage looking for food.

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