Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Place to Hide

“We will film them on the beaches, we will film them at their homes, we will film them at work”. Yes indeed there is no place that will be safe from Google’s street view coming soon to a PC near you. I came across this character at the ABSA stadium in Durban. He was peddling this contraption complete with 360 degree view multi cameras and on board generator to power all the goodies. He told me the tricycles go where the camera vehicles can’t. So if you see one of these in a neighbourhood near you, smile you might just be on Google street view for ever. Should be up and running by July.

Rollercoaster Ride

One day you are riding high living the good life. No matter that you are leaving a trail of human destruction behind you as thousands of kids pour chemicals into their bodies. The next day your world comes tumbling down. A young couple was arrested for possession of mandrax tablets. After the police made "further enquiries" they were led to a derelict old farmhouse. In the renovated backrooms they hit the mother lode. Hundreds of liters of chemicals, every kind of contraption to manufacture drugs and bags and bags of the raw ingredients. While they went about their investigation the handcuffed duo stared silently and maybe wondered how their first night in jail might turn out. Police estimate the value to be ten million rands.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Queen

Queen Mary the second cruises into town for the day. Sad that you have to be old and rich to qualify for a cabin. Eat as much as you can then waddle down to the free gym to work it off. I spoke to one of the day trippers about to board a bus and she said she hoped to see some of Durbans city sights which would probably include the poverty which really upsets her badly. After that its back to her five star cabin and next stop Rio. Tough hey.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Alternative Football World Cup

If you have ever been whacked by kids at one of Durban's traffic lights best not to read further. These nimble fingered kids are now putting the boot in so to speak. Seven teams from around the world are here to play the beautiful game. Boys and girls from the streets of The UK to Brazil will put their feet skills to another use apart from fleeing crime scenes (sometimes) In the opening match the non football country of India taught the arrogant South Africans a thing or two about football. They managed to slot four goals into the small net. The showy South African street kids ....zero. The occasion will also be used to run seminars on what the real problems of the global street kids are all about and a declaration will be announced at the end of the tournament. So next time one of these urchins approaches you remember they might one day be football heroes….you never know.
 (Update 23 March 2010 India cleaned up and won the tournament.)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

100 Days

So the countdown has begun in earnest. The worlds media were in town after being wined and dined on a spectacular stadium tour through South Africa. One of the African journalists challanged FIFA head honcho Blatter to allow more accreditation for journos from the African continenet and not to hog all the tops spots for his favourities. Ever affable he said he would look into it. Nothing fazes this man even accusations that he runs a mafia style operation with nepotism to boot. He said he sleeps well each night and trusts that all the media present do as well as he has nothing on his conscience. Local politicians laughed loudly when he said his B and C plan were actually South Africa and no one else. Got to hand it to this guy, he makes most sweet mouthed politicians look like amateurs in comparison. Meanwhile the Durban stadium reverberated with the sound of choppers flying overhead with the South African flag interspersed with wild screams from the bungee swing as local ladies took a leap of faith over the stadium.